Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blog 2 - Quote from Lisa Delpit

Based on your lived experiences, and initial readings and discussion from Bill Ayer’s book, To Teach, and from the Curtis and Carter reading, please discuss the significance of the following quote attributed to Lisa Delpit, “We do not really see with our eyes or hear through our ears, but through our beliefs.” (Curtis and Carter, 2000, p. 9)
(~250 words).

     In class, the students observed a picture of a group of people, standing next to a fire.  When two students were asked to describe the picture, they thought and said two different things about it.  Although the picture remained the same, the people that viewed it, interpreted it differently.  The students interpreted the picture, based on their beliefs.  Hearing works the same way, through our beliefs, rather than our ears.  If the same two students listened to the same song, the reactions to the song would still be very different.  Instead of seeing or hearing something for what it is, people translate or interpret what things mean, based off of their beliefs.  The principal in "The Green Monongahela" was hesitant at first, but opened his mind to letting a student retake a reading test to go into a higher reading class.  When the student passed the test, the principal's beliefs changed.   
     People come from different races, classes, genders, ages.  People have different religions and come from different backgrounds or cultures.  People were raised in different neighborhoods, by different people and have experienced different things.  As a result of these differences, people have different feelings, knowledge, ideas and different beliefs.  On page 32 of William Ayer's "To Teach," the teacher tells his students, "The world can be viewed and experienced as you like it."  This quote relates to Lisa Delpit's quote, in that people view the world, based on what they believe.  Delpit's quote is significant because it reminds people how important it is to be open-minded to others.  Learn about other people -- their beliefs and differences -- and do it with an open heart.  Doing this, may even change one's views or provide a new outlook on life.     

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