Wednesday, December 9, 2015

field observation - final summative post

I truly enjoyed all of the field observations: Mayfield Middle School, Gearity Elementary School and Shaker Heights High School.  The ten hours I observed at Boulevard Elementary, however, was my favorite experience.  I came into John Carroll wanting to be a third grade teacher and my experience with Mrs. Fagan and her class just confirmed it.  I remember reading a chapter “Why Teach?” in the “Education Foundations” textbook.  I loved being around young students and watching them grow.  It is rewarding to explore with students, subject to subject.
                  During my field observation, I remembered doing that project in class, where we go to a location and just write down what we observed.  Through observation, I learned the art of awareness to help me approach the world as children do – with openness.  I have learned so much about what I would like to do and not do in my future classroom.  Technology was used in several classrooms that I had observed, which leads students to the future.  I want my classroom to be set up like Mrs. Fagan’s classroom, with encouraging posters and students’ artwork.  I want the students to be surrounded by crafts, puzzles, blocks and books.  I want every part of the room to be utilized for learning.  I want my lessons to be like Gearity’s preschool class, where the students learned by playing and through hands-on activities.  All of my observations had something to offer and is something I will take with me when I become a teacher.        

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